|born to mix|dare to mix|freedom to mix|live to mix||||||||||||||||mix to match|
Don’t waste your time preaching to the converted or to the wackadoos. They’re too caught up in their own agendas to hear you today, and you’ll simply wind up frustrated. Remember that the universe helps those who help themselves. Following this principle, there IS someone who is ready to hear your wise words and respond proactively. Devote your time to empowering someone who wants what you have to offer–THAT will be a rewarding experience.
- Horoscopes provided by The AstroTwins
I will admit that I am a devoted astrology lover and believer . . .
UA #6211 Depart: NYC 252pm
Arrive: DENVER 530pm
And to no surprise, it starts snowing harder....f'n A. Finally, I find a cabbie around the corner on his coffee break. I didn’t have to walk much in the nastiness :) Feeling kinda fuzzy, I got extremely confused at the check-in counter (sounds stupid...but I did, maybe it was because I never fly United Airlines ?) BUT I got even more flustered when they told me my flight was CANCELLED. I was so friggin' annoyed. Yeah, it was snowing, but it wasn’t sticking to the ground!!! Shouldn't New York City be prepared for this??? I even checked the flight status before I left. Thank goodness, I got there early enough to get in the front of the line to reschedule and get out of that mess. Unfortunately, I can’t leave until Saturday morning!!! Welp, what can ya do? It is what it is… therefore, I extended my stay until Wednesday haha… I guess it all worked out. All I wanna do is enjoy some landscape, ski and chill in Colorado! lets prayI make it on Saturday...
Here is a picture of the snow outside my window hours after my flight was cancelled. That’s right, what snow??! I'm still bummed. I am also PO'd that I wasted money on a cabbie to and from the airport in one day… so when I got home, I played Mario Kart, ordered Blue 9 Burger and started drinking some wine, hoping to go to bed early…